Pousada Quarto Crescente - BRAZIL


Welcome to a unique collection of hand picked small luxury hotels

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A unique and exclusive hotel guide
Great Small Hotels is a unique guide as it only includes 'small' hotels. We consider size to be of great importance as this is what a growing number of travellers, in search of a warmer and more personal treatment, are looking for.

Likewise, the guide only includes hotels with character: ones which are built in the typical style of the area, or situated in outstanding surroundings , or which have been given a special charm by their owners.

If you believe that the characteristics of your establishment correspond to the hotels which make up our guide, please get in touch with our team.

The aim of Great Small Hotels is to join forces to promote these hotels with specific characteristics. The enormous potential which the Internet offers is multiplied by gathering together hotels from a large number of countries in one unique website. A great amount of useful information will make Great Small Hotels an indispensable reference point for travellers from all over the world.

Great Small Hotels offers you the possibility to make your hotel known through the Internet by means of, what will undoubtedly be, the best specialized hotel guide.

To get in touch with us, please fill out this form, and we will let you know how you can join.
(*) Obligatory information
E-mail  (*)
Hotel Name  (*)
Number of rooms  (*)
Price of standard double room  (*)
Region - State  (*)
Country  (*)
If you have any other comments to make or if your country does not appear on the list, please click here.